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Menu crashes game on launch after I customized theme


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I customized the menu theme a bit to my liking and now when I inject the menu the game crashes instantly. I deleted the DIS2RBED/Themes/DIS2RBED/DIS2RBED.json file which fixed the issue.


I've attached the log, but here's the main error:


***** Vectored Exception Handler: Received fatal exception EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION	PID: 13120

*******	STACKDUMP *******
stack dump [0]	
stack dump [1]	
stack dump [2]	
stack dump [3]	
stack dump [4]	
stack dump [5]	
stack dump [6]	
stack dump [7]	
stack dump [8]	
stack dump [9]	
stack dump [10]	
stack dump [11]	
stack dump [12]	
stack dump [13]	
stack dump [14]	
stack dump [15]	 BaseThreadInitThunk
stack dump [16]	 RtlUserThreadStart

Exiting after fatal event  (FATAL_EXCEPTION). Fatal type:  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
Log content flushed successfully to sink



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