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Failed to allocate memory in GTA5 process.


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When i try to inject into GTA i get this:

[05:44:32] Initializing W1TCH Launcher v0.37...
[05:44:32] Working directories have been created.
[05:44:32] Launcher directory is OK.
[05:44:32] requiem engine working directory permissions is OK.
[05:44:32] Launcher directory permissions is OK.
[05:44:32] Initialization completed! 😉
[05:44:32] Checking for additional Launcher translations...
[05:44:32] Trying to login...
[05:44:34] Additional language packs were not found, or you already have them installed.
[05:44:35] News was received from the server successfully.
[05:44:35] You have successfully logged in!
[05:44:35] Parsing addons collections...
[05:44:43] 4 lua scripts were parsed and ready to install.
[05:44:43] Addons manager successfully completed parsing.
[05:44:47] Found GTA5.exe, process ID: #17796, injecting...
[05:44:47] Failed to allocate memory in GTA5 process.
[05:45:33] Found GTA5.exe, process ID: #17796, injecting...
[05:45:33] Failed to allocate memory in GTA5 process.

its running in admin mode already, i checked file integrity of gta, have every requirement on the newest version
Requiem is on version release branch
even testing branch is not working

Edited by Skilling_Exodus
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28 minutes ago, kena said:

how do you join online then?

Just rtfm.

* Make sure BattlEye is disabled in the Social Club settings.

* If auto-loading into story or online mode is enabled, disable it in the game settings.

* After disabling auto-loading, restart the game.

* Clear the cache by deleting C:/program data/requiem/data/cache

* Let the game load to the main menu. Do not load story or online mode.

* Once the game is at the main menu, inject the RE.

* Wait for the "Waiting for game to load" message in the RE console.

* Enter the story mode.

* Once in story mode, connect to online mode through the session options in the Online section. ---> In Requiem.

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