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Requiem Engine (GTAO) v2.1.1.1915

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[New] Los Santos Customs section unlocked. I'm still not very fond of how it looks, so changes will be made. LSC will be synchronized with Vehicle Presets in one of the upcoming versions, as well as with Vehicle Handling and Crafting Workshop. The latter two sections are already in the pipeline and will be available in the test branch in one of the next builds.

[New] The Vehicle Presets section has been unlocked, where you can save/load various vehicle configurations. For now (as the main mechanics of the Crafting Workshop are still unavailable), the saving/loading of attached objects of the vehicle is disabled due to the absence of a tool to manage these creations. The full version will feature full synchronization with the Crafting Workshop, support for converting XML Creations (Menyoo etc.), and much more.

[New] Support for XML Creations has been added to the Vehicle Presets section files containing various user "constructions" based on vehicles. Currently in the preview stage. XML World Creations in on the way.

[New] Slight revamp of notifications system: * Notification settings moved to their own subsection. * Added settings for certain notifications, such as transaction errors, player name changes, player session join/leave, and presence of R* admins. * Each setting has options Log/Notify/Above Map (last one is only for player join/left for now).

[New] Improved Ped Spawn section, added a lot of settings options. I'll add proper description for settings in next build.

[New] Improved Preview system: * Fixed vehicle spawn "spam" bug. * Added rotation for spawn preview. * Added offset settings for spawn preview. * Spawn preview now using camera coords instead of character's one. * Added short animated delay.

[New] A new system (with corresponding options in the Settings section) has been added that allows to specify certain controls that will be ignored by the game while the menu is open (as well as aiming being unarmed).

[New] A spawn handler has been added, monitoring to ensure that vehicle/ped/object spawn occurs correctly. Now, during spawn (preview), if the entity doesn't spawn immediately for some reason, the handler will wait for it, preventing repeated calls to the function and visually displaying the waiting process in the form of an in-game sbusy spinner in the bottom right corner of the screen. Usually, in such cases, the entity spawns within 2-3 seconds.

[New] A system for loading/updating various addon files (scripts, themes, etc.) at runtime (as well as notifications of new versions) has been partially implemented to update addons without exiting the game. We plan to enable it along with the unlocking of the Vehicle/Weapons Handling and Crafting Workshop sections.

[New] We have added additional data collection (incoming events, kicks, etc.) for REflex to help us get a more complete picture of whether everything is working correctly and smoothly, in order to unlock both the REflex section itself and the Players Database section, which will allow you to manage lists of hostile and friendly players. Please note that REflex and Players Database will be closely linked.

[New] Due to the fact that debugging a release build is quite problematic, VEH has been improved. To make it clearer if "unfixable" an error OR crash occurs in some function, the VEH will gather information, which in 95% of cases will accurately indicate down to the line number where the crash occurred, but even in the worst-case scenario will give us a very informative starting point for searching and fixing the bug. So in case of such issues, send the debugging data in the form of a HEX table to the support team.

[New] "*Transaction failed because inventory or price data is invalid.*" now blocked if notification settings are enabled for such error.

[UI] Changed session finder text input to sliders.

[UI] Slightly revised All Players options.

[Lua/New] Added new Lua API enums -> SeparatorTextAlign, SeparatorTextBorderSize, SeparatorTextPadding ImGui flags.

[Lua/New] Added Lua API function gui -> is_section_present(string hash), which checks whether a section exists or not by its hash.

[Lua/New] Added Lua API function system -> reload_script(). [Lua/New] Added Lua API function system -> unload_script().

[Lua/New] Added Lua API function http -> get(string url, table headers).

[Lua/New] Added Lua API function http -> post(string url, string body, table headers).

[Fix] The settings file is now recreated only if changes were made directly in it, rather than with every version of RE, even if nothing was changed in the settings file class. Essentially, everything that needed to be done has played its role, and therefore file formats will soon be open and will not require such recreation procedures (this also applies to theme files, translations, etc.).

[Fix] Changes have been made to the mechanics of the All Players options, which should make option calls more stable. Additionally, an issue with excessive option calls that often led to crashes has been fixed. Work is still ongoing in this area, as I'm not quite satisfied with how this mechanic looks overall after making additional changes during further RE development.

[Fix] The thread system has been slightly reworked now threads will be automatically reset in case of hang-ups (infinite loops, etc.).

[Fix] A significant amount of work has been done to optimize Lua script performance. Changes have affected not only script threads but also rendering layers.

[Fix] Recovery -> Set Level option now registering Total RP in statistics.

[Fix] Bugged scripted event should be fixed now.

[Fix] Fixed a bug with the order of arguments in formatting messages for player join/left.

[Fix] Fixed an issue where scrolling through the menu would jump far beyond the intended point in case of game freezes/stuttering etc.

[Fix] Fixed an issue with displaying the hash ## in names of checkboxes.

[Fix] Fixed an issue with some list boxes not increasing in size upon reaching the height limit in the section.

[Fix] Fixed an issue with spawning player(s) peds.

[Fix] Fixed an issue with spawning a player(s) ped with incorrect outfit.

[Fix] Fixed session finder player filter search bug.

[Fix] Improved positioning of spawned peds.

[Fix] Minor tweaks in the "Self" handler.

[Fix] Ped Spawn settings now saving properly.

[Fix] Removed Outfit store -1 value.

[Fix] Updated network client, fixed bugs with server-side limited options.

[Fix] Now settings file will be .

[Lua/Fix] Fixed a bug with the invoker when Vector3 ref was incorrectly processed.

[Lua/Fix] Fixed lua add_section function. This function now adds new sections to the menu correctly.

[Translations] Added some missing translations for all translations packs.

[Misc] Only the most basic changes have been listed above, and I won't even list the minor ones, as it's already quite a hefty wall of text. 31 commits, with hundreds of new/changed lines of code. So, let's move on to version 2.1.1 😎

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