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why i cant use Chinese


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30 minutes ago, jokeralives said:

when i use Chinese all of word change to “?”,i cant use the Chinese plz help me

Hi, you need a font that supports Chinese characters in order to be visualized. Try downloading the following font and put it inside the %appdata%\DIS2RBED\Fonts folder

HarmonyOS_Sans_SC_Medium_zh_TW.ttf Here's a font for Chinese Traditional, if you have Chinese Simplified you have to edit the last two letters of the file name from "TW" to "CN"



Feel free to reach me via the forum PMs or Discord (mrd4rio) for any questions or account related issues.

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39 minutes ago, jokeralives said:

when i use Chinese all of word change to “?”,i cant use the Chinese plz help me

Download the font, either the one that @MrDario gave you, or one of those that are in the Downloads section. Install it as described above. In the next version, it will be possible to install fonts from the launcher.

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