Administrators Antrix Posted March 21 Administrators Posted March 21 ✅ So, I warned you yesterday in our Telegram channel, that the announcement would be huge in every sense. No bad news, quite the opposite. And yeah, don’t worry, TL;DR is below. Now, let’s get to it. ● First and foremost, I owe you all an apology for my absence — I pretty much vanished from the public side of things. I’ll be as honest as possible: I’ve had a few IRL issues that needed my full attention (and some of them are still ongoing). The most painful for me, my family, and everyone around us — is the TRC (Territorial Center of Recruitment) and the mobilization, which, as you can guess, is tied to the country I’m living in. Due to my ear condition (which most of our community already knows about), I am, by every legal and medical standard, unfit for mobilization. For over a year, I've been fighting with the decision of the military medical commission, having to collect literal kilos of documents and pass medical tests over and over. The peak of this nerve-wracking bullshit (Nerves? Oh, you mean that thing I used to have before this bureaucratic nightmare?) happened over the last two months. Let me tell you, bureaucracy in a country run by completely corrupt power is downright horrifying. Now I’m left "fighting" the ear condition itself for the rest of my life, and there’s not much I can do about that. But hey, at least we got this part wrapped up (sort of). I hope you can understand. ● Second — “Shithanced Edition” came out, or whatever the fck CockStars decided to call another copy of their cash cow, tossed like a bone to PC players for the sake of ray tracing and GTA+ subscription. Naturally, a shit-ton of stuff broke, and there’s still a lot of work ahead, but... there’s already a relatively functional build — and even more... 😎 The upgrade from Legacy to E&E will be 100% free for all existing users. Also, as I mentioned earlier, the Requiem Engine for E&E is already running on REui 2.0 (like RDO). Anyway, while fixing this mess, I’m also thinking about bringing on a "co-dev" because handling two games (I'm not taking into account RDO and EFT) that look similar but are actually very different is a hell of a load for one person. ● Third — updates for RDO and GTA5 Legacy. Because of what I just mentioned, everything slowed down a bit, but overall, it’s nothing critical. Updates are definitely coming, especially since the latest GTA5 Legacy patch didn’t break anything (god damn thanks for small miracles). That means I don’t have to spend a couple of weeks redoing the entire recovery section. In the meantime, I added a bunch of new features to RDO during testing and made a slew of changes based on your feedback. Next up is the hot topic of the BE bypass. Currently, we’ve got two kernel-mode drivers: one for mapping a DLL directly into the game process and another for RPM/WPM from user-mode (both of which I successfully tested on Escape From Tarkov, btw). I was ready to release them for trial when a few colleague-friends from other projects told me about mass BattlEye ban waves. I think a lot of people have already heard about it, and the details aren’t appropriate here. Losing an account because you got greedy for in-game currency is one thing, but catching a hardware ban is a whole different affair. I could’ve gone for a quick cash grab: throw out a BE update, rake in the money, and then exit-scam at the peak of the shitshow when heads start rolling — like certain others (not naming names). But I don’t want our project remembered that way. Sure, our glory days might be behind us, but we sure as hell aren’t going out like THAT. We’ve decided to hold off on finalizing the build until we hear back from the colleagues who got hammered by this ban wave, so we know what triggered it and can (if necessary) deal with it preemptively. ✅ TL;DR (Full post is still recommended for reading) • IRL Status Year-long fight with the military medical commission over an ear condition that legally exempts me from mobilization. Mentally draining and bureaucratically absurd, but mostly resolved now. • GTAO "Shithanced Edition" Rockstar released another lazy clone of their cash cow with minimal changes, ray tracing and GTA+ sales bait. Tons of stuff broke, but there's already a solid working build — and more to come. Upgrade from Legacy to E&E will be 100% free for all existing users. The work has been in full swing since the day this abomination dropped in RGL. • Project Load & Co-Dev Plans Maintaining both Legacy and Shithanced branches is a serious load for one person. A co-dev may be joining soon to help with day-to-day updates and stability. • RDO & GTA5 Legacy Progress slowed slightly, but nothing serious. The latest Legacy patch didn’t break anything, and RDO has already received new features and tweaks based on your feedback — both menus are getting updates asap. • BE Bypass (EFT & more) Two custom kernel-mode drivers are ready: one for DLL injection, one for RPM/WPM from user-mode. Successfully tested on EFT. • Due to last mass BattlEye ban wave, public release is on hold to avoid account/hardware bans. No quick cash grabs — we’re doing it right or not at all. ✅ Shithanced Edition & Licensing Changes And of course, a little preview of the RE version for Shithanced Edition, along with the best part saved for last... aaaaaand yep, yep, yep – our 1B method, which some of you may remember from previous announcements, is still very much alive and kicking (as are many others — only a few “variables” have changed here and there). Right now, as you may have noticed on the screenshot below, it’s in a... uhh... slightly disassembled state, lol, but nothing critical. Think of it as a test bench version. In the release build, it’ll be polished down to a one-button solution. This method will never end up in the hands of account boosters, so I kindly ask all the easy-money lovers to wipe that grin off their faces and stop rubbing their greedy little hands together. It will be strictly limited to regular (non-booster) users and will be tied to the game account. However, the reset process will follow the same HWID reset logic — free once a week, unlimited resets available for a "fee". ✅ There have also been many questions directed at both me and the entire team regarding license changes. Here’s what we’ve settled on for now: Basic will remain unchanged for Legacy and Shithanced Edition, offering fairly limited functionality, but some money-making methods will still be available. VIP will see a significant price increase, but it will provide lifetime access to all current and future projects (including EFT, FiveM, and others). Unlimited will become a subscription-based VIP version. This means the Unlimited subscription will not only remove all current limits (as it does now) but also include all VIP benefits. This is for those who don’t want to buy VIP at the new price right away, prefer to "give it a try" first, or simply prefer a subscription-based payment model for this kind of software. 5
Administrators Antrix Posted March 21 Author Administrators Posted March 21 And a few fresh previews for you 🥰 7 2
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