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A massive REcovery update is on the way! 😎

Tons of new features are coming — ranging from money options to restoring removed content, a heist editor, various in-game shop features and more. Additionally, several existing options have been reworked, improved, and fixed.  

The majority of features will be VIP-exclusive and available to Unlimited subscription holders, but some options will also be accessible to Basic users. Overall, the Unlimited subscription will soon become something like a temporary VIP license, and the VIP license itself will be reworked accordingly — including the previously discussed price increase, making this change a logical, practical, and convenient step.  

More details about the REcovery release (as well as the release itself) will be coming in the next few days — the build is already being prepped for delivery into the greedy hands of our dev-testers 😁

Stay tuned!  

P.S. A major Requiem Engine RDO update is also on the way 🤗

The sections are likely to be slightly renamed during testing, and a couple more are planned to be added, meaning this is still a tentative version.


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