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  1. I'm confused the other day I thought I saw A shop page that said Shop and it had Ps5 modded accounts and xbox one modded accounts listed on a website and you could purchase them on the website and now I can't find it anywhere I don't know if it was on the website or the discord or where it was but it was somewhere and all accounts were $15 with large amounts of money it was one of your partners or something but I know it was apart of the admin team can anyone please point me in the right direction I checked the the discord and website and I can't find it now
  2. Is there a option to spawn ramps and build obstacle courses in free mode fir everyone To hit the jumps and everything
  3. You also want to place FSL in the gta directory
  4. Did you try to trouble shoot and you always want to keep battle eye off at all times when using the menu
  5. can we spawn any car and put it in our garage or only certain vehicles how does that work?
  6. I found it and everything is working ty appreciate it Im just waiting to get in the discord now
  7. I disabled battle eye before trying to inject and I also cant find this answer
  8. What about my other questions?
  9. Do I have unlimited access and all access to to all features including recovery features and everything also the documentation tab is not working and I can't seem to get into the discord also sorry Its been so long since I been on also i can't remember how to launch the mod menu the proper way and open the mod menu I just want to make sure i have all my questions in one thread to make it easier
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