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Requiem Engine

2 files

  1. Witch Launcher (Requiem Menu)

    To start using the menu, download and launch this launcher, log in, and join the game.
    Requires installed .NET Core 3.1  and VCREDIST to work.
    Please make sure to add antivirus exclusions for the Launcher folder and
    the “Requiem” folder created at C:\ProgramData\Requiem

    Set gtav to open to landing page in game settings.
    Turn BE off in social club, Restart game.  Inject at landing page>
    start "story mode", once loaded, join online with menu. not game.

    Does not work on virtual or cloud PCs!

    download, make folder, extract to folder.mp4



  2. Requiem Engine Essential Data

    This archive contains essential data files required for the Requiem Engine. It includes headers, translation files, and other necessary resources. This archive is primarily intended for users who encounter issues downloading these files directly through the launcher.
    To install, simply extract the contents to %ProgramData%\Requiem (open folder via WLauncher or Win+R). This will ensure that all required files are available for the engine to function properly without relying on the launcher for downloads. 



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